
Department of Anatomy and Histology

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The Department of Anatomy and Histology is a part of Faculty of Veterinary & Animal sciences, it was recently established through Notification No. 0135/Notif/REG-ACAD/LUAWMS/1190-200/ dated November 13, 2020. Dr. Nisar Ahmed (Associate Professor) was notified as first Chairman of the Department. The Department of Anatomy and Histology has well established laboratories for the courses of Gross Anatomy and Histology. The department has a well-equipped for preparation of histological slides of different species and has animal skeletons of various domestic animals. The prime objective of this Department is to impart the latest scientific knowledge/technologies to the students on different aspects of cell biology, histology and gross anatomy.


The mission of our Department is committed to produce skilled professionals, equipped with knowledge in the field of Aanatomy & Histology. Multidisciplinary Collaboration in Research, Teaching, and Service Innovation of cell biology & Veterinary histology.


Produce professionally trained human resources in cell biology, histology and gross anatomy with sustainable and ecofriendly in the field of Veterinary Anatomy & Histology.


Dr. Nisar Ahmed

Mr. Bunesh Kumar

Mr. Nazeer Bandija




  1. Selecting and maintaining the nation’s leading animal breeding, genetics and genomics team.
  2. To develop and secure financial resources for research and teaching in the field of animal breeding, genetics and genomics.
  3. Using research to discover knowledge useful for genetic improvement of animals.
  4. Providing national and international leadership by cooperating with animal industries to develop and enhance economically sound genetic improvement programs.