
Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics

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Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, has been established at LUAWMS, Uthal in 2005 with the aim to produce competitive technical and professional human resource in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. The faculty offers five years (10 semesters) composite degree program for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) since last 15 years. However, Animal Breeding and Genetics is newly established Department in the Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Animal breeding and genetics is the branch of science concerned with maximizing the desirable genetic traits of animals, such as Milk, Meat, wool and hair etc. Animal Breeding and Genetics is a broad field, ranging from characterization to conservation to genetic improvement, and involves actions at local, national, regional and global scales.

The prime objective of this Department is to impart the latest scientific knowledge/technologies to the students on different aspects of animal breeding and genetics to improve the genetic potential of livestock species. This Department will also provide a platform to young scientists with a challenging and innovative education and research opportunities.


The mission of our Department is committed to produce skilled professionals, equipped with knowledge in the field of Animal Breeding and Genetics. We are devoted to educate the students and providing producers, scientists, and industry personnel with the latest advances in quantitative, qualitative and molecular genetics.


Produce professionally trained human resources in breeding, genetics, genomics with sustainable and ecofriendly in the field of animal breeding and genetics.


Prof. Dr. Ahmed Nawaz

Dr. Abdul Hameed

Dr. Farmanullah